Monday, December 16, 2013

GOTCHA - First night with Jesse

From Dad:

God is so Good all the time!!! 

After the first hour of tears and all of us trying to get him to laugh - tickling and iPods did the trick to make Fu Lian more comfortable with us.

After the many stops for paperwork, Fu Lian is officially ours and his passport has been requested.

After the paperwork, we went to dinner and we had a traditional Chinese dinner with Fried Rice, Dumplings, Sweet and Sour Pork and Steak and Mushrooms. It was amazing, and we had to keep Fu Lian from eating everything...

After dinner, we came up stairs and just relaxed and fell asleep.  The emotions of the day - nervousness, trying to calm Fu Lian down to running all over, wore my new family out.  All but Kristen was in bed by 8:00 including Fu Lian (and me).

Jonny and I had the honor of sleeping with Fu Lian last night.  He slept very well, I was happy that he feels comfortable enough to sleep with us.  I just kept touching him through the night to make sure he was there and to make sure I was not dreaming....

Here is one photo after the notarization on the Adoption Papers - Fu Lian is officially ours....

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