Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

What a blessing it is to be a mother.  I sometimes loose my identity in this thing called motherhood. I have been called many names over the past 12 years: 'mom', 'mommy', 'MOM!!', yes even 'mum', but I am so glad to be a mother to my 4 kids, no matter what they choose to call me or how often they call me it or how loud they call it.  I sometimes find myself forgetting who I was before motherhood, but then I realize that motherhood has changed me ... forever.  I will never be the same person again, and I now get to incorporate motherhood into who I am becoming. To know that God has given me a ministry in my own home, of these 4 precious children, is such a blessing.  I struggle everyday with making sure I am doing 'it' right, but then gently being reminded by my heavenly Father, that He is there and He is protecting all of us and I am a work in progress.  I will continue to strive to be more like Him and will find joy in all things, and He will continue to mold me into who He wants me to become.

However, I am already looking forward to next Mother's Day when I (Lord willing) will be called 'ma or 'ma ma', which is the Chinese word for mother.  That means that our Chinese son will be home with us and we will be able to be a family of 7, under one house.  But, that also makes me realize what a sacrifice it was for Fulian's mom to have to give up her son and to not have him calling her 'ma ma'.  What a sacrifice it was for her to know that she will not receive any more hugs or kisses or homemade necklaces or breakfasts on Mother's Day.  I can only imagine that she must be a very courageous woman, who deeply loved Fulian, loved him enough to know that there is a family who will be able to care for him.  My prayer today is for all the mothers that have loved their children enough to let them go, and be loved by another family.  I can not comprehend what it must be like to look into your baby's eyes and say good-bye, but I am so proud of the unselfish decisions they have made, for the sake of their child!

I hope all you mothers have had a wonderfully blessed Mother's Day. Today was the perfect day with my family, as they spoiled me with a homemade omelet (eggs in a bag ... you gotta try it!), dove chocolates (yum!) and macadamia nuts.  They know they way to my heart.  Chris is also making me some raised flower beds for a garden.  I cannot wait to plant some yummy fruits and veggies!

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