The kiddos and I spent yesterday in Springfield, IL. Our purpose for going was to visit the Secretary of State's office to get our dossier documents certified. Last week, we found out from our adoption agency that all of our documents were notarized incorrectly. We were frustrated with this but quickly set to contacting all the notaries and asking them to re-notarized each document with the proper specifications. Each and every notary was very kind and prompt (and very understanding, thankfully!).
Saying many prayers on our way to the Secretary of State's office, we were greeted with some questions and were not sure all the documents would be approved. But, God is good and saw us through this little step in the big adoption process. But, as we were waiting for our documents to be certified, we received exciting news from our friends, who are also adopting. Their wonderful news helped us see the big picture of this process a little closer. We know that God is sovereign and His timing is best, no matter what obstacles we need to go through (or how long we need to wait).
God was patient with us and our journey to come to know Him and be adopted by Him. It took us a long time, but He didn't give up on us. That gives us encouragement to keep our eyes focused on His plan, not give up, even with the obstacles that come our way, and complete each tiny step along this journey to get our son home with us. We are thrilled to be serving a great God!
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