Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Our top ten things to be thankful for this year:

10. Our amazing Washington community!  Washington Strong!

9. God's perfect timing for this international adoption process and how quickly the paperwork has gone (although at times it didn't seem quick).  A total of 10.5 months from beginning to Gotcha Day!

8. A wonderful year of homeschooling, with the children growing so wise and mature and having an ever increasing amount of motivation for working hard at academics and playing hard at hobbies, sport, and music. We are so thankful for God's provisions to continue homeschooling and training up our children according to the Lord.

7. We got to celebrate the life of Kristen's grandmother and her 102 years of faithful service to God, while here on earth!

6. God protected our house from the tornado.  All we could think about during those unknown moments were IF our house is gone, what about our passports and adoption papers.  But, God prevailed and kept everything safe.

5. God has provided us with friends, family, an amazing church and a support system that has met every need of ours, especially through prayer, hugs, advice, encouragement, and financial giving during this entire adoption process.

4. Our entire family will be traveling to China for another Kopinski adventure… probably the most important and exciting adventure we have ever gone on. Trying to learn Mandarin is quite fun too!

3. Life was spared during the tornado.  Our church was spared, as were all other churches in Washington!  To see this destruction and know that so many survived and the stories are miraculous, proved again that our Mighty Creator was watching over this city!

2. We travel in 2 weeks to meet a boy 1,000's of miles away that God has already chosen for our family. Not even a tornado is keeping him from our family!

1. God's unconditional love and His mercy and grace He extends continues to extend to us.. and the hope of eternal life in our Lord Jesus!

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