Wednesday, September 11, 2013

New pictures of Jesse!

We feel so fortunate to have such a wonderful adoption agency.  Every request we have, they are so quick to answer the best they can.  Last week we asked for another update on Jesse, including pictures. We asked many questions and they answered them all. Our agency even threw a few extra questions that we hadn't thought of.  We got a very quick response back, today!

Jesse is so cute and we learned that he has an 8 year old foster brother and he loves his family he is currently with.  We also learned that he likes to ride bikes, play with toy guns and cars.  He likes to read, but doesn't care for math. Yup ... he will fit in well at this house!  :)

Please continue to pray for his heart to be soft to our family and the transition that he is facing.  Please pray for his foster family to continue to prepare him for leaving China and starting new in our family.  Please pray for all of us to be sensitive to Jesse and his foster family as they grieve the losses of each other and the changes ahead.  We know that God has meant for Jesse to be in our family, but also understand that the road ahead will be filled with challenges and anxieties and joys!

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