Jesse is continuing to improve his English each and every day. He can sing the entire ABC song, many other nursery rhymes, and most of the song 'Stories', that the kids learned in Vacation Bible Camp last year. Our days still consist of a great deal of charades, and we are utilizing Google Translate for the important topics of discussion. Otherwise, Jesse can use 1-3 word sentences to communicate to us.
He seems to be like most other 6 year old boys; not enthusiastic about school (or anyone else in the house participating in school), loves to be outside doing anything that is fast and adventurous, enjoys building with straws and connectors or legos, still loves the movies Cars and playing with his cars, and loves to FaceTime Nana and Jaja.
He has been participating with Sunday School and Awana, and thanks to his amazing big brother, Ethan, he is adjusting well. Jesse was thrilled to get an Awana vest, just like Ethan's. He has caught on quickly about needing to say verses to earn 'gems' for his vest. We practiced John 3:16 "For God so loved the world"all week and he was able to recite it to his amazing Awana leader, with the help of my hand motions. But on Thursday night as we were getting ready to sleep, he said (unassisted or unprompted), "Mommy, for God so loved the world". Tears welled up in my eyes and that erased all of the challenges from the day. This was his first English sentence and was another one of God's convictions that He is right along side of us during this journey.
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