Jesse is such a helper and pleaser. He absolutely loves to lend a hand where needed (or not so needed), and is eager to finish the job. Each time there was snow, he is the first to help shovel and will not quit until the job is done. When the garbage trucks drive by, he is the first to run out in the freezing cold and bring the cans back in for me. When the dishes need to be loaded or the table cleaned, he is eager to help until the job is done. His work ethic is amazing and he doesn't do it for the reward (usually a high five), but rather because it is ingrained in him to work hard until the job is done. Some of my other children can hopefully learn from this!
Jesse has worked hard each day this week at learning the next part of his Bible verse for Awana (John 3:16). He is eager to share the verse with his favorite Awana leader (Ms. Martha!) and to earn the gems that Ethan has on his vest, but he also knows that he needs to work hard at achieving, and we see him working hard each day.
Communication improves each day and there are less outbursts (from all of us) and more conversations (verbally or charades style) to help each other understand expectations. Jesse is always the first to pray, gather for devotion and bring a Bible to one of us when he wants to read.
This week he learned his letter 'A'. We worked on every craft, worksheet, book, etc to help him learn his 'A'. It was a success, however he is completely flabbergasted for the fact that our alphabet has 2 symbols (upper case and lower case) for each letter. So, we are sticking with upper case for now. He can write his name all on his own, with no help or prompting. He actually has neat handwriting and impresses us with learning to write his name so quickly.
God's presence is so clear each day and we are so thrilled to be following his will and loving this sweet boy who God has entrusted to us for the time being.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Saturday, January 25, 2014
"For God so loved the world"
Jesse is continuing to improve his English each and every day. He can sing the entire ABC song, many other nursery rhymes, and most of the song 'Stories', that the kids learned in Vacation Bible Camp last year. Our days still consist of a great deal of charades, and we are utilizing Google Translate for the important topics of discussion. Otherwise, Jesse can use 1-3 word sentences to communicate to us.
He seems to be like most other 6 year old boys; not enthusiastic about school (or anyone else in the house participating in school), loves to be outside doing anything that is fast and adventurous, enjoys building with straws and connectors or legos, still loves the movies Cars and playing with his cars, and loves to FaceTime Nana and Jaja.
He has been participating with Sunday School and Awana, and thanks to his amazing big brother, Ethan, he is adjusting well. Jesse was thrilled to get an Awana vest, just like Ethan's. He has caught on quickly about needing to say verses to earn 'gems' for his vest. We practiced John 3:16 "For God so loved the world"all week and he was able to recite it to his amazing Awana leader, with the help of my hand motions. But on Thursday night as we were getting ready to sleep, he said (unassisted or unprompted), "Mommy, for God so loved the world". Tears welled up in my eyes and that erased all of the challenges from the day. This was his first English sentence and was another one of God's convictions that He is right along side of us during this journey.
He seems to be like most other 6 year old boys; not enthusiastic about school (or anyone else in the house participating in school), loves to be outside doing anything that is fast and adventurous, enjoys building with straws and connectors or legos, still loves the movies Cars and playing with his cars, and loves to FaceTime Nana and Jaja.
He has been participating with Sunday School and Awana, and thanks to his amazing big brother, Ethan, he is adjusting well. Jesse was thrilled to get an Awana vest, just like Ethan's. He has caught on quickly about needing to say verses to earn 'gems' for his vest. We practiced John 3:16 "For God so loved the world"all week and he was able to recite it to his amazing Awana leader, with the help of my hand motions. But on Thursday night as we were getting ready to sleep, he said (unassisted or unprompted), "Mommy, for God so loved the world". Tears welled up in my eyes and that erased all of the challenges from the day. This was his first English sentence and was another one of God's convictions that He is right along side of us during this journey.
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Believer/Dr. Appointment
Last summer we were having a difficult time accepting this new 'adventure' God was leading on. The idea of international adoption frightened us, however the thought of adopting an 'older' boy with severe vision needs was even more frightening. China told us that Jesse had optic nerve atrophy, which even surgery or glasses would not improve his vision. We would cry out to God with our fears of caring for such needs. God answered in many ways. Firstly, God provided many connections who are familiar with eyes, who all lent their expertise to help us understand Jesse's visual needs. Secondly, He drew us to His word:
Isaiah 43: 1-2
Fear not, for I have redeemed you, I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you ;
And when you pass through the rivers, They will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire, You will not be burned;
The flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel , your Saviour.
Next, He led us to the song "Believer" by Audio Adrenaline. This song describes the true story of a man who is blind but is an amazing surfer. This song spoke to our hearts, particular these voices:
When I walk through the valley of the shadows
When I'm trapped in the middle of the battle
I will trust in You
‘Cause trouble comes, but You never let it take me
I hold fast ‘cause I know that You will save me
I will trust in You
I will trust in You
Oh here I stand all alone waiting on you, Lord
Waiting on You
The video for this song can be seen here:
Jesse went to an eye specialist on Wednesday and it was confirmed that he does NOT have optic nerve atrophy! Therefore, with prescription glasses, Jesse will be able to see clearly for the first time in his life! He will be able to see clearly objects across the room, or in the sky. He will not have to sit 2 feet from the TV when watching his favorite movie (which is still "Cars"). Jesse will be able to read books and let us read books without having his nose practically touching the pages. He will even be able to play sports, even those including balls (i.e. soccer, tennis, baseball, etc.). We are praising God for encouraging us through those times when we were not sure we could take care of a boy with such permanent and debilitating visual needs, as God knew Jesse's needs more than we did. Jesse should get his glasses this week, and he is counting down the days!
Isaiah 43: 1-2
Fear not, for I have redeemed you, I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you ;
And when you pass through the rivers, They will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire, You will not be burned;
The flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel , your Saviour.
Next, He led us to the song "Believer" by Audio Adrenaline. This song describes the true story of a man who is blind but is an amazing surfer. This song spoke to our hearts, particular these voices:
When I walk through the valley of the shadows
When I'm trapped in the middle of the battle
I will trust in You
‘Cause trouble comes, but You never let it take me
I hold fast ‘cause I know that You will save me
I will trust in You
I will trust in You
Oh here I stand all alone waiting on you, Lord
Waiting on You
The video for this song can be seen here:
Jesse went to an eye specialist on Wednesday and it was confirmed that he does NOT have optic nerve atrophy! Therefore, with prescription glasses, Jesse will be able to see clearly for the first time in his life! He will be able to see clearly objects across the room, or in the sky. He will not have to sit 2 feet from the TV when watching his favorite movie (which is still "Cars"). Jesse will be able to read books and let us read books without having his nose practically touching the pages. He will even be able to play sports, even those including balls (i.e. soccer, tennis, baseball, etc.). We are praising God for encouraging us through those times when we were not sure we could take care of a boy with such permanent and debilitating visual needs, as God knew Jesse's needs more than we did. Jesse should get his glasses this week, and he is counting down the days!
Monday, January 13, 2014
Yoga, snowmen, and Legos
The past several days seem to have been our transition into the 'honeymoon' phase of our adoption. Things are seemingly going incredible compared to the first couple of weeks. Boundaries are set and are being complied with more often than not. Respect is being shown, and Jesse's true personality tends to poke out more and more.
Jesse taught us yoga the other day. We thought he was just being silly, but he was serious and was teaching how to sit (and was insistent that we stop laughing and be quiet!), how to position our arms and legs and hands, how to breathe, and even closed the shades and turned off the lights so it was dark. We may need to continue to let him lead yoga, as it does tend to be a moment in the day when he is calm.
As the temperatures warmed up this weekend, Jesse investigated the left over snow. He made snowmen, had a snowball fight, and then subsequently destroyed his snowman, which seemed to be more enjoyable than building it. We may have to institute a class in our homeschool curriculum based on the show "Destroy, Build, Destroy".
This morning, he was quiet, almost too quiet, for about 20 minutes. We all panicked and went on a search for him. We found him in his room with a bucket of Legos, creating some impressive planes, cars, and space ships. As obsessed as my 3 older boys are with Legos, we knew that Jesse would undoubtedly be drawn to Legos. It didn't take long for him to start creating.
Sunday was the absolutely sweetest thing I have seen since we have had Jesse. As we were all getting ready for church, Jesse insisted that he get dressed and come with. We had not planned to introduce him to church for awhile, but he and us do like to get out of the house, so we thought we'd give it a try. Ethan was the BEST big brother ever. He took Jesse by the hand and sat next to him in Sunday School. He told Jesse that it was snack time and then how to clean up his snack cup and napkin. Ethan led Jesse by the hand to worship time and they sang, danced, and did the hand motions. Jesse watched Ethan for all the signals and Ethan was right there to make Jesse feel welcome and comfortable. Jesse actually came home humming some of the music. Ethan also taught Jesse how to sit during story time and what to do for craft. I would love to get Ethan the Best Big Brother in the World Award!
This morning he had 'face time' with Nana and Jaja and actually communicated with them quite a bit. He was sharing his usual sense of humor and silliness that he demonstrates throughout our typical day. Plus he was showing off his English vocabulary.
Bed time is tough for Jesse. He tries to be so strong, but we can tell that he is fighting the grief deep down in his heart. We pray so much for his pain to not be forgotten, but relieved. I want him to always remember his foster family and friends, but we pray that one day the sense of loss will be less than the love he has in his forever home.
Jesse taught us yoga the other day. We thought he was just being silly, but he was serious and was teaching how to sit (and was insistent that we stop laughing and be quiet!), how to position our arms and legs and hands, how to breathe, and even closed the shades and turned off the lights so it was dark. We may need to continue to let him lead yoga, as it does tend to be a moment in the day when he is calm.
As the temperatures warmed up this weekend, Jesse investigated the left over snow. He made snowmen, had a snowball fight, and then subsequently destroyed his snowman, which seemed to be more enjoyable than building it. We may have to institute a class in our homeschool curriculum based on the show "Destroy, Build, Destroy".
This morning, he was quiet, almost too quiet, for about 20 minutes. We all panicked and went on a search for him. We found him in his room with a bucket of Legos, creating some impressive planes, cars, and space ships. As obsessed as my 3 older boys are with Legos, we knew that Jesse would undoubtedly be drawn to Legos. It didn't take long for him to start creating.
Sunday was the absolutely sweetest thing I have seen since we have had Jesse. As we were all getting ready for church, Jesse insisted that he get dressed and come with. We had not planned to introduce him to church for awhile, but he and us do like to get out of the house, so we thought we'd give it a try. Ethan was the BEST big brother ever. He took Jesse by the hand and sat next to him in Sunday School. He told Jesse that it was snack time and then how to clean up his snack cup and napkin. Ethan led Jesse by the hand to worship time and they sang, danced, and did the hand motions. Jesse watched Ethan for all the signals and Ethan was right there to make Jesse feel welcome and comfortable. Jesse actually came home humming some of the music. Ethan also taught Jesse how to sit during story time and what to do for craft. I would love to get Ethan the Best Big Brother in the World Award!
This morning he had 'face time' with Nana and Jaja and actually communicated with them quite a bit. He was sharing his usual sense of humor and silliness that he demonstrates throughout our typical day. Plus he was showing off his English vocabulary.
Bed time is tough for Jesse. He tries to be so strong, but we can tell that he is fighting the grief deep down in his heart. We pray so much for his pain to not be forgotten, but relieved. I want him to always remember his foster family and friends, but we pray that one day the sense of loss will be less than the love he has in his forever home.
Thursday, January 9, 2014
No Tears at Bed Time
Yeah, we had no tears at bedtime tonight! Usually bedtime brings out sadness and notable grief in Jesse. He usually does not want to be comforted and weeps the saddest cries we've ever heard. But tonight, he clung tight to me, kissed me a million times, and rubbed my face until he fell asleep. We will take even one night of a joyful/peaceful bedtime.
We have recorded many other firsts this week. We had near record low temperatures and snow to go with it. Jesse is a natural helper and wants to be involved in everything we are doing. He was able to stand the frigid weather and help daddy with snow blowing. We made ice balls and played with them in the house before tossing them into the yard. While playing with the ice balls, he color matched them all, not once but twice - just to make sure the first time wasn't a fluke. We were told he was color blind, and we saw him fail the color blind test in China during his medical exam. But, he proved us wrong.

Sometimes it is our favorite time of the day!
Helping Dad snow blow in frigid temperatures
Feels like -35 degrees.. brrrrr!
Colored ice ball fun
Ethan with his favorite color .. red
Too cold to touch with bare hands!
Jonny's black ice ball
Sean and his blue ice ball
Other firsts were when we broke out the crayons and markers. Jesse loves to color and will color for as long as one of us is sitting next to him. The first picture he colored he said was for Nana and Jaja. It was the first time he said their names without prompting and was excited to send them a picture of their picture. :) He also colored a picture for his cousins Katy and Abbi! He loves those girls!
Showing off his coloring pages
Picture he took of his Pooh Bear coloring page
We built forts, played Elefun, spent hours with play doh, played hide and go seek (he loves to scream when the seeker is close to finding him, we are still working on the idea of keeping quiet and not wanting to be found). Jesse even ventured out with us to our favorite store on earth … Barnes and Noble. We prepped him with the expectations we had for him at the store and he did great! We even went to Chick Fil A for lunch! Other than the fact that he wanted my sandwich instead of his nuggets. :)
While coloring, Jesse was singing his ABC's (we think he got to about H, before he hummed the rest). He sings Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, counts to 10, repeats many words and phrases, and is very good and telling us what he needs/wants through charades. He enjoys bath time with toys, but not washing his hair! He loves yogurt, oranges and bananas this week, as well as every meal we've eaten. We have to hide the meat on the table, or he will eat all of it. This week he doesn't seem to ever be full, and we are wondering if this is the coping mechanism we saw when we first got him. He enjoys cars, Lightening McQueen, and anything else related to four wheels and the original movie. There are 2 things that terrify him, doctors and the mention of school. Wish he could tell me why the mention of them scare him, but for now those words are off limits in our house for now. We will be doing 'home learning' in our home this semester. :) Brianna is a little mommy to Jesse, and Jesse knows it. I honestly do not know how these days would have gone without her. Jonny has the energy to keep up with Jesse's ever changing and unpredictable moods. He is laid back and quick thinking to assist with redirection when needed. Sean and his imaginative play keeps Jesse entertained for those moments I need to take a phone call or take a shower. Ethan loves his brother more than anything and although life isn't exactly like he envisioned it, he thinks non stop about what he can do to make Jesse happy. All he wants is for Jesse to know he is loved and make him happy.
Beginning the fort building process
Fort is almost complete
Jesse is ready for story time in the fort
Jesse on the slide at CFA
Jesse at CFA
Ethan getting shocked coming down the slide at CFA
Little one's enjoying CFA toy room

Elefun time

Crazy kids int he freezing snow!
Monday, January 6, 2014
Snow Day
Although we hadn't planned to start school today, we are still calling it a snow day. The weather outside is frightful and we are warm and cozy in our home (with our working fireplace, thanks to some wonderfully talented friends!). We have made large colored ice marbles, ice bubbles, colored pictures, beanbag bowling, piggy back racing, played Hullabaloo, Monopoly Deal, Settlers of Catan, and now we are watching Cars 2. These days are so long when we are trapped inside our home, and it is effecting everyone.
It is only 3:30 PM. We are about out of energy and ideas. The temper tantrums, angry outbursts, blatant disobedience, and grief stricken cries continue today. It is heartbreaking to know that there is so much going through Jesse's sweet mind, and he will not and many times can not express it to us in a way that is respectful. Through our challenges today, we have cried out to the Lord for His words, and so many verses have flooded into our minds. I am so thankful for God's word that reminds us of being gentle with him, loving him, and not repaying evil with evil. I am so thankful for God is putting us through times like this that challenge us to rely on Him. I know that on my own, today would be a disaster and I'd crawl into bed right now. But, with His love and wisdom, we are able to keep going and find joy through these trials and continue to show Jesse what a forever family is and that He is loved no matter what. Even more amazing is that our other kiddos are so completely calm, gentle, understanding and loving with Jesse. It is beautiful to see God's light shining through each of them and teaching Jesse what it means to be loved, in such a gently and sweet manner.
It is only 3:30 PM. We are about out of energy and ideas. The temper tantrums, angry outbursts, blatant disobedience, and grief stricken cries continue today. It is heartbreaking to know that there is so much going through Jesse's sweet mind, and he will not and many times can not express it to us in a way that is respectful. Through our challenges today, we have cried out to the Lord for His words, and so many verses have flooded into our minds. I am so thankful for God's word that reminds us of being gentle with him, loving him, and not repaying evil with evil. I am so thankful for God is putting us through times like this that challenge us to rely on Him. I know that on my own, today would be a disaster and I'd crawl into bed right now. But, with His love and wisdom, we are able to keep going and find joy through these trials and continue to show Jesse what a forever family is and that He is loved no matter what. Even more amazing is that our other kiddos are so completely calm, gentle, understanding and loving with Jesse. It is beautiful to see God's light shining through each of them and teaching Jesse what it means to be loved, in such a gently and sweet manner.
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Snow and Shopping
We officially call him Jesse now. We try not to use his Chinese name anymore. He seems to respond well when we call him by Jesse. We are so blessed to have such an affectionate, rambunctious, humorous little guy. He understands us completely and is saying several new English words each day. He has found many ways to communicate to us when needed, he is quite an industrious thinker and catches on very quickly.
Due to our scary and overwhelming experiences while outside of our hotel room in China, we have been hesitant to leave our house with Jesse, as we were not sure how he would react. We have spent this past week setting boundaries, clarifying parental authority, explaining the concept of listening and obeying, and reinsuring ourselves that he does understand what we say. So, today, Jesse got a taste of life outside of our house. He made a short trip to Kroger with mom and dad. He did great, and was curious with all of the foods and products on the shelves. He wanted to run with his shopping cart and pick out many items not on our list. He waited patiently in the check out line and held our hands in the parking lot. Our first trip in public was a success.
He has also had the opportunity to play outside in the snow. He enjoyed the snowball making and throwing catching snowflakes on his tongue, and making snow angels. I am sure soon he will be able to go sledding also.
He enjoys playing with cars, playing on the iPad, building and knocking down blocks or anything else. He will truly miss daddy and his tickle/zerbert wars when he goes back to work on Monday. He has discovered that he loves bath time with toys in the tub. He taught us a form of ring around the rosy, and will play duck duck goose with all of us. He enjoys playing a bean bag toss game, and using the bean bags in many creative ways.
Due to our scary and overwhelming experiences while outside of our hotel room in China, we have been hesitant to leave our house with Jesse, as we were not sure how he would react. We have spent this past week setting boundaries, clarifying parental authority, explaining the concept of listening and obeying, and reinsuring ourselves that he does understand what we say. So, today, Jesse got a taste of life outside of our house. He made a short trip to Kroger with mom and dad. He did great, and was curious with all of the foods and products on the shelves. He wanted to run with his shopping cart and pick out many items not on our list. He waited patiently in the check out line and held our hands in the parking lot. Our first trip in public was a success.
He has also had the opportunity to play outside in the snow. He enjoyed the snowball making and throwing catching snowflakes on his tongue, and making snow angels. I am sure soon he will be able to go sledding also.
He enjoys playing with cars, playing on the iPad, building and knocking down blocks or anything else. He will truly miss daddy and his tickle/zerbert wars when he goes back to work on Monday. He has discovered that he loves bath time with toys in the tub. He taught us a form of ring around the rosy, and will play duck duck goose with all of us. He enjoys playing a bean bag toss game, and using the bean bags in many creative ways.
Jesse has gained a bit of wait since being in the States, must be all the 'beans'
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