Monday, December 30, 2013

At Home

Our trip home could not have gone better, and it was only because of all the prayers we received!  God had his hand on all of us through our 30 hours of travel and 3 airplane rides.  Each of the children did fantastic on the airplanes and going through security numerous times.  We are so thankful for the ease of this trip.

Upon arriving home, we were greeted by many amazing friends and family at the airport.  It is such a blessing to be part of a community that supports orphan care of every kind.  And to have that support at the end of an emotionally and physically draining trip, was well needed!  Our family came back to our house and we stayed up chatting until the wee hours in the morning.  After all, our bodies were on a different time zones, and weren't tired enough to sleep, and we wanted to visit with my sister and nieces and Chris' mom and dad.  What a sacrifice they made to drive down to Washington to welcome us and meet Jesse.

Jesse was described at the orphanage as being shy.  However, we have yet to see that tendency.  At the airport he was hanging around Chris, myself and the kiddos for a few minutes before he enthusiastically greeted so many with his adorable smile, sweet personalty and fun loving energy.  His personality did not slow down as he ran from the van to the house when we go home. He was so excited to be at his new house and is completely in love with his dog.  He calls her by name and begged for the first 2 days to have her sleep in his bed.  He could not understand why the dog did not obey her all the time.

Jesse walked (or rather ran) into our house like he has always lived here and he thinks he is the boss.  We have had a few outbursts each day, mainly due to mom and dad restricting his freedoms on a few things, like throwing the banana peel through the cat door into the basement or spitting on people.  But, we are learning how best to approach his misbehavior, as he is learning his boundaries.  He sleeps great at night, has begun eating well for each meal, loves ice cream, enjoys peanut butter sandwiches, and really loves hard boiled eggs and fruit!  We made pork loin and rice for a meal Sunday evening and he wouldn't touch the rice, but had 4 helpings of the pork.  He loves his meat!

On Jesse's first full day in America, we decided (with the advice of wise family members!) to take him to a walk-in clinic for an ear irritation.  He had an outer ear infection, impetigo, and not sure about an inner ear infection because the canal was too infected to see in.  However, he did not complain of discomfort on the airplane rides, so we are assuming his inner ear is okay.  But, he is on several medications now and we are hoping that his ear will clear up by tomorrow.

Jesse enjoys playing with cars, building with the straws and connectors, pretend play cops and robbers (I assume anyway as he likes to put pretend handcuffs on us).  He babbles in Mandarin much of the day, with a few English words thrown in.  I sure wish I knew what he was saying.  Google Translate has helped with many conversations, but we are positive that he understands us a whole lot better than he is leading on.

Overall, the last couple of days have gone great.  He is fitting right in with the family and our day. As parents, we are learning how to teach him his boundaries and not set the same expectations on him as we do with our other 6 year old son.  He is a quick learner and eager to please and step in to lend a helping hand.  He sets the tables, vacuums, puts his dirty clothes away properly, and brushes his teeth without being asked.  We are certain that big bumps in our road are coming very soon, as the newness of the house, siblings, toys and dog wears off, but we are trying to be lighthearted about our days now and make sure that humor is integrated in all facets of our day.  His sense of humor helps this happen, as he is quite comical and dramatic.

1 comment:

  1. What a great update! Glad to hear things are going so well.
